Men's Tennis League
Pri nas imamo poletno in zimsko ligo.
Our league is aimed at all passionate tennis players, regardless of their experience. The organization of the men's tennis league is already traditional in Trnovo, but every year we try to improve the conditions and attract even more players.
You can expect a friendly and encouraging environment where boys can build their game and enjoy the game of tennis. We understand the importance of creating a community, so we encourage a social competitive environment. Be part of our growing community of tennis enthusiasts and let's create unforgettable moments on the court together!
Below are links to the Str8 Sets app, in which the league runs and allows players to track their progress.
For more information, write to us at or call at 041 525 007.
Women's Tennis League
Pri nas imamo poletno in zimsko ligo.
Our league is aimed for all passionate female tennis players, regardless of their experience. Our women's league is still in the development phase and we are already looking forward to the largest possible participation of girls.
You can expect a friendly and encouraging environment where girls can build their game and enjoy the game of tennis. We understand the importance of creating a community, so we encourage a social competitive environment. Be part of our growing community of tennis enthusiasts and let's create unforgettable moments on the court together!
Below are links to the Str8 Sets app, in which the league runs and allows players to track their progress.
For more information, write to us at or call at 041 525 007.
Join our tennis league and indulge in the passion of the game! Regardless of your experience, we invite you to become part of our community of tennis enthusiasts. Improve your game, meet new friends and enjoy friendly competition.
The guidelines are created to provide clear rules and guidelines for participating in a tennis league. With these guidelines, we aim to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants, by encouraging sportsmanship and fair play.
All players who will be accepted into the league competition and who want to play in the league will pay a 25 EUR registration fee, which includes the Str8sets application, which enables the reservation of the court 7 days in advance, the organization of the competition and the conclusion of the league with a banquet, trophies and welcome support in the day-to-day coordination of matches in the league.
Approximate dates for playing matches
Tekme se bodo igrale kadarkoli v času razpoložljivosti igrišč (poletna liga – dve zunanji in v primeru slabega vremena tudi dve notranji igrišči, zimska liga – dve notranji igrišči).
Draw, schedule and result display
Depending on the number of registered players, several strength groups can be formed. The matches are expected to be played according to the one-on-one system, or in the case of a larger number of players, on the basis of a draw. Match schedules, match results and current standings will be displayed in the Str8sets app.
Coordination of league implementation
Before the start of each round, the coordinator obtains from all players the available time of each player for playing in the next round, coordinates and reserves the date of the match (communication and coordination of dates will take place via the Str8sets application, via SMS messages or phone calls). When setting the date, coordinator sends an SMS to both players with the date of the match. If the participants of each round agree, the match can also be played after the end of each round. If the match is coordinated with the league coordinator, the match scheduled for the following rounds can be played in advance. In the case of coordinating a match between players without the knowledge of the coordinator, the match can only be played upon additional confirmation of the match by the coordinator.
All matches are played on outdoor or indoor courts of TC Trnovo.
The competition takes place in 2 parts: regular part and Play off. The number of matches will be determined based on the number of registered players. Each round of matches will last approximately 2 weeks. 2 hours are reserved for each individual match. If the players finish the match before the end of 2 hours, they can use the game until the end of the reserved time.
Redni del zimske lige poteka načeloma od oktobra do začetka aprila, poletne lige pa od maja do začetka septembra. Play off zimske lige poteka v mesecu aprilu z zaključnim turnirjem konec aprila, poletne pa v septembru z zaključnim turnirjem predvidoma konec septembra. Način igranja v Play off-u je naknadno določen.
Each match is played with 3 new balls. The balls for each match are provided by the first named player of the match. Balls can also be purchased from the organizer during the opening hours of Bar TCT.
In all leagues, matches are played on the basis of 2 tied-break sets (out of 6 games won; if the result is 6, both tie-breaks are played until 7; last set is played according to the extended or decisive tie-break system up to 10 points won (at 2 games or difference points).
Reporting of results and scoring
Po odigranem dvoboju igralca vpišeta rezultat preko aplikacije Str8sets ali pa rezultat sporočita koordinatorju lige. Zmaga v dvoboju prinaša 3 točke in poraz ne prinaša točk. Če igralec iz kakršnegakoli razloga tekme nekega kola ne more odigrati do zaključka lige, se šteje, da je tekmo predal oz. izgubil s 6:0 6:0. V primeru, da se tekma ne uspe odigrati, ker ni bilo možno uskladiti termina tekme med igralcema se tekma beleži, kot ne odigrana. V tem primeru nihče ne prejme točk.
Za končno uvrstitev rednega dela lige šteje večje število točk. V primeru enakega števila točk dveh igralcev se upošteva medsebojni dvoboj, v primeru enakega števila točk več igralcev pa se vrstni red določi po naslednjih kriterijih: a) večje število zmag; b) razlika med osvojenimi in izgubljenimi gemi (odločilni set Tie-break šteje za točko); c) žreb. Uvrstitev igralca po rednem delu vpliva na igranje v Play off-u.
Withdrawal from the league
In case of withdrawal from the league, unplayed matches are registered with 6:0, 6:0 for the opponent.
Players who sign up for the league agree that their names and photo material from the final tournament may be used for informational purposes on the TCT website and social networks.
League competition committee and cases of misunderstandings
The competition commission of the league consists of: Martin Strajnar (coordinator of the league) and Anja Trdin. In case of misunderstandings, the competition committee of the league decides the case.
Frequently asked questions and answers
If you cannot find the answer to your question below, please contact us at
The registration fee is 25 EUR (includes the Str8sets application, which allows you to reserve the court 7 days in advance, the organization of the competition and the end of the league with a banquet, trophies and welcome support in the daily coordination of matches in the league).
The price of the court booking and balls is shared by the players.
Categories are divided according to age, gender and skill level of the players.
Matches are usually scheduled based on the availability of courts and players in the league. The league coordinator takes care of the coordination.
If you are unable to play a particular match, please notify the league coordinator as soon as possible.
If you are not yet registered in the Sr8 Set application, register (Instructions Str8 Sets league), if you are already registered, you will be able to see the rankings and results in the competition tab.