Z ženo sva iskala šport, ki bi ga lahko skupaj obiskovala enkrat tedensko. Glede na to, da se žena ne ukvarja veliko s športom, sva se odločila da poskusiva skupaj nekaj novega. Teniški treningi so res super, ker sva v skupini z drugim parom, ki sta na podobnem nivoju kot...
My friend and I had been talking for quite some time about enrolling in a tennis course. Since neither of us had played tennis before, we came for a trial training session. We've been attending the tennis school for the second year now, and the trainings are really great.
Vesel sem, da sem našel teniško šolo v Trnovem, saj živim v neposredni bližini. Kljub temu da nam Klemen "teži" s pravilnimi udarci, se imamo na treningih super. Glede na to, da je v Trnovem izjemno lep športni park, bi si želel morda edino več klubskih dogodkov.
We are very satisfied with the tennis school because our child eagerly attends the training sessions and progresses quickly. Before enrolling in Tanko Sport, he tried various sports where the coaches failed to motivate him, and he quickly gave up on training. Now he attends tennis practice twice a week and truly enjoys it.